Delete a Section/Media

In order to delete a specific section you will need to obtain the id from the MBSection objects you will retrieve through APIs.

Then you will just have to call the static method

MBurgerAdminTasks.deleteSection(this, section_id);

which will return back the section_id, with the listener MBAdminApiDeleteSectionListener and from the callback bundle in “action” mode using the MBApiPayloadKeys.key_section_id.

Deleting a media from a section is pretty similar:

MBurgerAdminTasks.deleteMedia(this, media_id);

where media_id is the id of the media element you wish to delete, it can be used with both files and images.

This method will return back the media_id, with the listener MBAdminApiDeleteMediaListener, and from the callback bundle in “action” mode using the MBApiPayloadKeys.key_media_id.

It’s suggested to maintain the MBObjects (MBImage for example) instead of simple values in order to maintain the media_id in a simpler way.

Last updated