Other features

Password Recovery

You can add a “password lost” feature by calling the API:Java

val email = edt_email.getText().toString();
                                             new MBAuthApiForgotPasswordListener() {
                    override fun onForgotPasswordRequested() {
                        //TODO show an alert

                    override fun onForgotPasswordRequestedError(error: String) {
                        //TODO show an error dialog
                }, email);

This API will send an email to the user registered with the indicated email, and if the email is not present, it will return an error.

Password Editing

You can add a “edit password” feature in your app by calling the API:

val old_password = edt_old_password.getText().toString();
val new_password = edt_new_password.getText().toString();

MBurgerAuthTasks.changePassword(getApplicationContext(), new MBAuthApiChangePasswordListener() {
                    override fun onPasswordChanged() {
                        //TODO show an alert

                    override fun onPasswordChangedError(error: String) {
                      //TODO show an error dialog
                }, old_password, new_password);

This API will work only with an user authenticated.

Last updated