Evaluating Responses

All API responses contain a JSON object, which will always contain a top-level integer property status_code, indicating success (= 0) or failure (!= 0).

In case of errors, are adopted HTTP status codes are adopted and a JSON string property message that explain the error.


MBurger APIs uses the following HTTP error codes:


On authentication error is returned an HTTP 401 and a JSON like this:

  "message": "The project token is not present."

On bad request error is returned an HTTP 400 and a JSON like this:

  "message": "Given filter(s) `available` are not allowed. Allowed filter(s) are `id, subscription, value, geofence`."

On permission error is returned an HTTP 403 and a JSON like this:

  "message": "This action is unauthorized."

On not found error is returned an HTTP 404 and a JSON like this:

  "message": "The requested resource can not be found."

On validation error is returned an HTTP 422 and a JSON like this:

  "message": "The given data was invalid.",
  "errors": {
    "email": [
      "The email has already been taken."

Last updated