Edit profile

Editing a profile looks a bit like registration, so, with a logged user you’ll need to call:

private var listener: MBAuthApiProfileUpdateListener
private var edt_name, edt_surname, edt_email, edt_password: EditText
private var phone: String
private var img_uri: Uri
private var auxiliar_data: String

    listener,                             //Listener for registration
    edt_name.getText().toString(),        //Name, REQUIRED
    edt_surname.getText().toString(),     //Surname, REQUIRED
    phone,                                //Phone number, nullable
    img_uri,                              //Image, nullable
    edt_email.getText().toString(),       //Email, REQUIRED
    auxiliar_data);                       //Auxiliar data nullable

If you decide not to set a new image, so the img_uri value is null, the logged user original image will remain the same.

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